Do Many People Contract West Nile Fever?

WNF is found most frequently in Africa, the Middle East, Western
Europe, and Asia. It was not found in the Western Hemisphere until
1999, when the first case appeared in the United States. Between 1999
and 2008, presence of the virus was documented in 39 states and the
District of Columbia. In 2007, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
reported a total of 3,630 WNF cases in the United States. WNF tends
to occur more often in the summer and early fall, but the vast majority
of cases likely go unreported because they cause only mild illness,
if any. Of the 3,630 total in 2007, 124 (3 percent) resulted in death
from the disease. Those numbers represented a decrease compared
with 2006, when the CDC reported 4,269 cases and 177 deaths. Some
experts believed that the U.S. population was starting to develop immunity
to the virus.

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