What Are Zoonoses?

Zoonoses are infections caused by parasites, bacteria, or viruses that
pass from animals to humans. Most people contract zoonotic (zoh-uh-
NAH-tik) infections from pets, farm animals, and animals with which
they are in contact. Alternatively, there may be an intermediate between
the animal and the human, such as food or water. Wild animals and
insects can be the source of disease, too, particularly for diseases spread
by the bite of a tick, mosquito, or fly. Animals such as wild rodents, raccoons,
and bats also can carry diseases that may be harmful to humans.
Zoonoses can either cause minor or serious illness. In some cases, the
organisms involved infected humans, but the people do not become ill.

Disease-causing Organism____Animal or Insect Carrier ____Human Disease

Bartonella hensalae______________Cats_____________Cat scratch disease

Chlamydia psittaci_______________Birds_____________Psittacosis

Borrelia burgdorferi_____________Ticks, deer, and mice___Lyme disease

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